2 Videos for Today 

DAY 1: Ludhiyana Success day- SAKSHI SINGLA (SR.MANAGER)

Description: Sakshi Singla Ma'am was the first lady manager in Team Fire 64. She has opened the gate of opportunities for many women. She is an inspiration for thousands of women from all around the country and had successfully changed many lives already and still changing more every day. Here is a look at Sakshi Singla Ma'am on Ludhiana Success day.

DAY 1: Sting Operation by Ashutosh Pratihast (Sr.Manager)

Description: Ashutosh Pratihast Sir is one of the best leaders of FLP International. He is a true Knowledge house and his training is life-changing. He is a role model for many newbies in FLP because he has achieved many things at a very young age with his efforts and hard work. Take a look at a sting operation done by Ashutosh sir himself and you'll understand the reality of today's world.

That was it for Day 1, hope you understood very much from the training and from the videos. Connect with your mentor for more clarification and focus on learnings.



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